Doc Full-text Searcher is an Full text Search application to search the contents of files on your mobile phone. - You can think of it as Google for the local files of your mobile phone. This application was designed from the inspiration of the famous full-text searcher, DocFetcher, on the Desktop Computer.
When you first use Doc Full-text Searcher, it requires that you create indexes for the folders you want to search in. These indexes allow Doc Full-text Searcher to quickly look up files by keyword.
In order to create an index, click on the main menu on this application and select Document Folders->Add. Then choose a folder to be indexed. You have to wait until indexing the documents has been finished.
Enter one or more keywords to search for in the text field on the top and press the search icon on the right side of the text field. The search results will be displayed in the result pane.
* Fulltext document search.
* Monitor file updates in the background — You don’t need to rebuild the index every time files are changed.
* Support plain text(txt), Ms Office(docx,xlsx), pdf and Electronic Publicationfiles (epub) file format.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>